Simulation-driven Engineering for the Modern Chemical Engineer | AIChE
Sponsor: AVEVA | This webinar is sponsored by AVEVA and reflects their views, opinions, and insights. Attendance is free.

Simulation-driven Engineering for the Modern Chemical Engineer

Chemical plants are more complex and more integrated than ever. New products have to come to market more quickly. Engineering managers must onboard a new generation of engineers spread around the globe. And all of this has to happen while the chemical industry reckons with digitalization, sustainability, and political instability. Modern chemical engineering practice will be defined by agility and efficiency.

But how can today’s engineers be agile and efficient when the major process simulators are older than the engineers using them?

This free webinar will demonstrate a new approach to simulation-driven engineering. AVEVA™ Simulation is the first process simulator designed from the ground up to deliver the benefits of Digital Transformation. Seamless, reversible changes between steady-state and dynamic modes enable agile engineering workflows. Lifecycle simulation lets engineers use a single tool and a single model across different project phases for efficient collaboration.

Join us to see how modern process simulation can be more about creative problem solving, and less about button pressing.

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