Teaching Process and Product Design: Part 1 | AIChE

Teaching Process and Product Design: Part 1

If you’re teaching process and product design, even the most comprehensive textbooks won’t fully prepare you for the challenges you’ll face. Which lecture topics should you choose? What about homework? Find the answers to these and many more commonly asked questions in this two-part, archived webinar presented by two seasoned process and product design instructors. 

Join University of Pennsylvania chemical engineering faculty members Warren D. Seider and Sean P. Holleran as they highlight their experiences over many decades and their preferences in teaching process and product design courses and topics.

You’ll learn how these two instructors teach in two parallel tracks with heavy emphasis on process design (how to make chemical products) some emphasis on product design (deciding which chemical products to make). You’ll explore how they consider topics for lecture and homework assignments and what lecture topics they cover in each track. 

Take a look at your agenda:

  • Process design lecture topics—from heuristics (rules of thumb) to profitability analysis: including process simulation, separation train synthesis, second-law analysis, heat integration, equipment sizing and costing.
  • Product design lecture topics—from the chemical supply chain to selecting devices: including design of molecular, functional, and formulated products.

Tune into this archived webinar and learn from two experienced instructors how to teach process and product design.

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