Technical Due Diligence: What We Examine, Why, and How We Do So | AIChE

Technical Due Diligence: What We Examine, Why, and How We Do So

When acquiring equipment, technologies or facilities, do your technical due diligence assessments meet all expectations? Learn what you need to examine, why and how.  

In 60 minutes, you’ll identify issues that arise when investigating production plants or equipment during the technical due diligence process. These include issues related to raw material and product specifications, the processes and equipment used to convert them to the desired products, and the relevant analytical, inspection and statistical techniques used for quality control. You’ll consider examples of how plant operational quality can be evaluated, including the nature of effective maintenance practices, the safety culture of the facility and the metrics available for these purposes. This webinar goes on to address two areas frequently of major concern to potential acquirers—environmental performance and permits. It also looks at what to concentrate on when reviewing the increasingly complex major federal and state permits necessary for constructing and operating equipment and/or facilities. Examples will be presented to show the extent to which they may constrain operations and testing and reporting requirements they may pose.

Take a look at your agenda:

  • Federal and state permits necessary for constructing and operating equipment and facilities
  • How to assemble a due diligence team and meet its needs for accurate, current information
  • Issues that come up when investigating equipment and production plants
  • Examples of how plant operational quality can be evaluated

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    1 hour
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