The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking Up the Workplace | AIChE

The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking Up the Workplace

As the first wave of the Millennial generation enters the work force, employers are facing some of their biggest management challenges ever. The millennials truly are trophy kids—the pride and joy of their parents who remain closely connected even as their children head off to college and enter the work force. Although they’re hard working, technology savvy, and achievement oriented, most millennials don’t excel at leadership and independent problem solving. They want the freedom and flexibility of a virtual office, but they also want rules and responsibilities to be spelled out explicitly. “It’s all about me,” might seem to be the mantra of this demanding bunch of young people, yet they also tend to be very civic-minded and philanthropic.

The millennials are actually a larger group than the boomers—92 million vs. 78 million—so like them or not, they are America’s future work force. Ron Alsop takes an insightful, eye-opening look at this complex generation, and how they promise to dramatically change the workplace and society. He discusses some of this generation’s dream jobs and employers, and explores how companies are changing tactics to recruit them in the Internet age.

This is the second in a 3-part series on Managing Millennials.Please note that each webinar in the series requires separate registration, and has been designed to function as both a standalone presentation and a component in the series. The other webinars in the series are Managing Millenials: Seven Approaches to Success and Bridging the Generation Gap.


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