Understanding Why Bulk Solids Behave Differently Than Liquids | AIChE

Understanding Why Bulk Solids Behave Differently Than Liquids

Costly problems commonly result during handling or processing of bulk solids in many industries including chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and foods. All too often, fundamental theories for liquid flow have been applied incorrectly to bulk solids flow. As a result, operations or equipment failures occur, thereby reducing plant efficiencies, creating lost/rejected/wasted product, or compromising operator safety. This webinar will provide insights into why bulk solids behave differently than liquids. Concepts regarding powder flow testing, bin/silo design, feeder integration, flow rate limitations, and mechanisms of powder segregation will be introduced. General solutions to powder handling problems will be discussed. The webinar is a quality educational tool that can raise awareness for those that are routinely involved in bulk solids handling.

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