David Fernandez Rivas | AIChE

David Fernandez Rivas

Mesoscale Chemical Systems Group

David is Professor in the Mesoscale Chemical Systems Group, UT and research affiliate at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  His research interests are in the areas of microfluidics, transdermal drug delivery, solar-to-fuel cells, process intensification, acoustic cavitation and sonochemistry. His recognitions include the Young Sonochemist Award, given by the Japan Society of Sonochemistry in 2011, the Pieter Langerhuizen prize awarded by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities in 2016, Engineer of the Year 2021, and the Prince Friso Award by the Royal Dutch Institute of Engineers.

His Public Outreach earned him the Stairways to Impact Award, granted by the Dutch Scientific Council, and the UT in the Media Award, both in 2021. He was elected to the Global Young Academy (2020) and the Young Academy Europe (2020). He has co-authored over 50 reviewed journal papers and is inventor of a patent commercialized by the spin-off  BuBclean (2013) of which he is cofounder. He also founded FlowBeams, a spin-off from the University of Twente (2021) to valorize his research and patents on needle-free injections.

He was co-chair of the COST Action Greenering: Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes, from the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (2019-2022). He also serves on the editorial board of several journals, including Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, and Biomicrofluidics. He earned an MSc in Nuclear Engineering, Higher Institute of Science and Technology, Havana, Cuba and a PhD at the University of Twente UT.