Prof. Justin Notestein received his BSE at Princeton University in 2001 and his PhD at the University of California Berkeley in 2006, both in Chemical Engineering. He is a professor in the department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Northwestern University, and he is the director-elect of the Center for Catalysis and Surface Science. Research in Prof. Notestein’s group focuses on the development of new hybrid, oxide, and nanostructured catalysts and adsorbents for transformations relevant to sustainable energy, selective oxidation, and improving industrial chemical processes. Special attention is on developing full synthesis-structure-function relationships for improving the process of new catalyst development. Prof. Notestein frequently collaborates with researchers in industry, and he is a member of the Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center, a DOE EFRC, and the Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources, a NSF ERC. He is the lead PI for the Institute for Catalysis and Energy Processes, a DOE BES catalysis center housed at Northwestern University.