Claire Yiqing Liu | AIChE

Claire Yiqing Liu

Citation name

Liu, C. Y.


Purdue University





Yiqing Claire Liu is a chemical engineering PhD student at Purdue University. Her interest in engineering was inspired by her upbringing. Both of her parents studied engineering in college and so did she. She studied chemical engineering and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in 2015, she started graduate school at Purdue university studying under Professor Zoltan Nagy. Her research focuses on continuous crystallization of pharmaceuticals in traditional and innovative platforms. She also spent five months working at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an ORISE fellow. At the FDA, she worked on continuous crystallization risk considerations and process modeling as a part of the FDA’s research effort on continuous manufacturing. She is finishing her work on innovative crystallizers and currently writing a book chapter on continuous crystallization. She is interested in a process development or formulation scientist position after receiving her PhD.


Associated proceedings 

8th World Congress on Particle Technology
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety