Claudio Estrada
Estrada, C.
National University of Mexico
Dr. Claudio A. Estrada, IER-UNAM. Prof. Estrada is physicist from UNAM and has a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the New Mexico State University, USA. Prof. Estrada works for the IER-UNAM since June 1988. His areas of specific interest are transport phenomena in solar systems, mainly in solar concentration systems. He has published over 80 research papers and was associate editor of the International Journal of Solar Energy. He has been president of the Mexican Association of Solar Energy (ANES) and member of the Board of Directors of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). He has won several awards, and was director of the Center for Energy Research of UNAM (dec 2004 - dec 2012), now Renewable Energy Institute. Currently, he is a member of the National System of Researchers with Level III, he is responsible for the project National Laboratory of Solar Concentration Systems Química Solar de México.