TJ Larkin
Larkin, T.
Larkin Communication
Presenter: Dr TJ Larkin 1st Author: Simon Roberts TJ Larkin Bio TJ Larkin (along with Sandar Larkin) is the owner of Larkin Communication Consulting. Since 1985, the Larkins have been helping large companies improve communication with employees. TJ and Sandar wrote the McGraw-Hill Bookstore bestseller, Communicating Change. They also wrote the Harvard Business Review article, “Reaching and Changing Frontline Employees.” Their HBR article has more than 45,000 downloads. Based in New York City, the Larkins have two specialties: communicating major change (mergers, restructures, downsizing, new technology) and communicating safety (oil & gas, mining, and chemicals). TJ has a Master’s degree in sociology from the University of Oxford and a Ph.D. in communication from Michigan State University.