Yoshitsugi Kikkawa | AIChE

Yoshitsugi Kikkawa

Citation name

Kikkawa, Y.


Kikkawa Giken





Dr. Kikkawa is working as the Representative of Kikkawa Giken. He has been working as a senior engineering consultant for many mega LNG Projects in Chiyoda Corporation. He has a Bachelor degree of Fuel Chemistry from Akita University, He has a Doctor degree of Engineering from Kyushu University. Major project experiences; Japanese’s Grass Roots Refinery Projects, Mega LNG Projects. Member: Fellow, American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Sessions chaired or co-chaired

LNG Process Technology and Development I
2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1098-4)
LNG Process Technology and Development II
2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1098-4)
LNG Safety
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1109-7)


(170a) Liquid Density By Eos
2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1098-4)
(114c) Strategies for LNG Project Development2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
(185a) Jetty Bog Recovery
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1109-7)
(69d) Liquefaction Technology Selection for Mid-Scale LNG Plants
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1109-7)
(50a) Jetty Bog Recovery for Rich LNG
2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1113-4)
(55a) Liquefaction Process and Refrigeration Compressor Driver
2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1115-8)
(191b) LNG As Renewable Energy Transport Media2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings
(17c) Renewable Energy to Synthetic Natural Gas2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings
(74c) SNG As Renewable Energy Transport Media2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety

Associated proceedings 

2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS
2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th Global Congress on Process Safety
2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings
2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety
2024 Spring Meeting and 20th Global Congress on Process Safety