Editorial: What the New Year Brings to CEP | AIChE

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Editorial: What the New Year Brings to CEP


Eight years ago, I wrote that I was excited about the January 2008 issue because it marked the beginning of my new role as editor-in-chief. I was eager to try new things to make CEP an even better magazine, and — being the start of a new year — I resolved to capitalize on CEP’s strengths, fine-tuning where necessary and adding new features as warranted, to create an engaging publication that AIChE members would find interesting and valuable.

Since then, CEP has evolved as we experimented with content, presentation, and delivery. For example, we increased our reporting of cutting-edge research in emerging areas such as bioengineering and nanomaterials, and have added several new columns. In keeping with the new year theme, we are launching two new columns in this issue. The first is a bimonthly column called Leadership Q&A (pp. 19–23), where C-suite executives share their thoughts on important leadership topics. It kicks off with a focus on process safety leadership and senior editor Michelle Bryner’s interviews with the CEOs who were honored at the 2015 AIChE Gala: Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil; Andrew Liveris, Dow Chemical; and Mark Costa, Eastman Chemical.

A new monthly column, Technical Entity Trends (TENT), will focus on AIChE’s Technical Entities (TEs), which include the Institute for Sustainability (IfS), the Center for Energy Initiatives (CEI), the Society for Biological Engineering (SBE), and others. TENT, which is written by TE staff members Lucy Alexander, Derrick Wu, and Gabriel Levesque-Tremblay, explores trending topics related to the TEs’ areas of specialization, and will introduce you to some of the projects and initiatives that the TEs are working on (p. 45).

We have tweaked some elements of our design to freshen the look of the magazine. For instance, you might have noticed the new look of the Update news section two years ago, and new icons for the Patent Update and Books departments recently. This month, we are introducing new icons for New Products, Product Focus, and Young Professionals Point of View (YPOV), and will be unveiling more for other departments in the coming months.

We augment our traditional print method of delivery with the weekly SmartBrief e-newsletter, a link in the monthly AIChExchange that allows you to preview one article of the upcoming issue, and early online access to the entire issue at www.aiche.org/cep.

If you visited our website recently, you might have noticed another enhancement to the delivery of CEP — online articles in HTML format. We now offer you the best of several worlds: You can read CEP articles online without having to download a PDF file. If you want feature articles in PDF format for your personal library, scroll to the bottom of the article and download the PDF. (Only technical features, columns, and special sections and supplements will be available as PDFs; news stories, product write-ups, and editorials will be online in HTML format only.) And, of course, we will continue to mail the print issue to you. This marks the official launch of a project that we (mainly CEP production manager Karen Simpson and web strategist John Vasko) have been working on for several months, fine-tuning both the product and our process.

We hope you agree that these new features are a great way to start 2016. Let us know what you think.


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