YPOV: Consider a Career in the Water Industry | AIChE

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YPOV: Consider a Career in the Water Industry


The American water market is on the brink of change, and the push for greater water security and sustainability has increased over the past decade. Industrial water users are realizing that sustainable water use is not only good for the environment — it’s also good for their bottom line.

Although not a traditional career route for chemical engineers, the water industry is a broad field that can offer both challenges and rewards. ChemEs who pursue this path could work in industrial water treatment facilities, public utilities, specialized water consulting firms, or microbial control groups, among many other options.

Water is a finite resource, yet the global demand for water is seemingly infinite. According to the report entitled 2015 Strategic Directions: U.S. Water Industry, from Black & Veatch, “Water scarcity challenges in the Western U.S., flooding in the Northeast, and aging infrastructure across the country are just some of the key causes of rising pressure on U.S. water utilities.”

A study conducted by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) states that the most important issue for the water industry is the renewal and replacement of aging water and wastewater infrastructure. The study, titled 2015 AWWA State of the Water...

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