Books: May 2017 | AIChE

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Books: May 2017


Expensive Sentences: Debunking the Common Myths that Derail Decision and Sabotage Success

Jack Quarles, Ideapress Publishing, Washington, DC, $24.95, 292 pages, Feb. 2017, ISBN: 978-1-940-85825-8


We often employ proverbs, conventional wisdom, and cookie-cutter advice to guide us through decisions in life and business. These guiding principles, however, may be based on faulty logic or false constraints. Their limits are not just hidden, but veiled behind guises of wisdom, truth, and common sense, which often lull us into a false sense that our foundation is sound.

This book exposes the clichés and platitudes that can cause you to lose time, money, and opportunities. Learn how to distinguish these traps in real time, and guide conversations and thoughts back to fact and logic that will direct you to better outcomes. Historic examples, business stories, and the author’s personal anecdotes illustrate the prevalence and impacts of flawed reasoning. The book presents sample text to upgrade conversations and exercises to correct assumptions and clarify solutions. This advice will help you to improve...

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