Books: February 2018 | AIChE

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Books: February 2018


Biosensors and Nanotechnology: Applications in Healthcare Diagnostics

Zeynep Altintas, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, $185, 400 pages, Dec. 2017, ISBN: 978-1-119-06501-2


This book compiles information from multiple disciplines to broadly cover biosensors and the impact of nanotechnology on the development of biosensors in human health applications. It provides background on biosensors, recognition receptors, biomarkers, and disease diagnostics, as well as an overview of biosensor-based healthcare applications. The book also includes applications of nanomaterials in biosensors and diagnostics such as magnetic nanomaterials, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and molecularly imprinted nanostructures. Insights into very recent advances in disease diagnostics are also covered, with a focus on applications in cancer.

The fifteen chapters were contributed by 33 researchers actively working in Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Romania, Turkey, and the U.K. Engineers and graduate student in the field may find this summary of the last 30 years of research useful.

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