Meeting Preview: Advances in Manufacturing, Safety, Highlight Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety, Apr. 22-26 | AIChE

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Meeting Preview: Advances in Manufacturing, Safety, Highlight Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety, Apr. 22-26

Meeting Preview

Process intensification and big data will be investigated as part of a new Industry 4.0 Topical Conference — just one of the offerings at AIChE’s 2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS), April 22–26 at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, FL.

The Spring Meeting provides learning opportunities essential to practicing chemical engineers. With this year’s new Industry 4.0 Topical Conference, the Spring Meeting delves more deeply than ever into new methods of manufacturing for the chemical process industries (CPI), incorporating considerations of big data analytics, process intensification, cybersecurity, process safety, and digital design as components of a vision for modern manufacturing with chemical engineers leading the way.

Complementing the Industry 4.0 Topical Conference and its focus on manufacturing is a returning conference on innovative and smart manufacturing. The Spring Meeting also features continuing topical conferences on distillation, sustainable engineering, and emerging technologies in clean energy, as well as the 6th International Conference on Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance, the 18th Gas Utilization Conference, the 21st Refinery Processing Conference, and the 30th Ethylene Producers Conference.

The conference is also the venue for the...

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