Unscaled: How AI and a New Generation of Upstarts Are Creating the Economy of the Future
Hemant Taneja, PublicAffairs, New York, NY, $28, 240 pages, Mar. 2018, ISBN: 978-1-610-39812-1

An innovative trend combining technology with economics is undoing the institutions that have long dominated business and society, including corporations, banks, farms, media conglomerates, energy systems, governments, and schools. The size and scale of these behemoths is no longer a benefit but a liability. A new generation of upstarts is using artificial intelligence to automate tasks that once required expensive investments. They are “renting” technology platforms to build focused businesses, enabling growth without the bloat of giant organizations.
This book offers a venture capitalist’s insight into the unscaled phenomenon that is sweeping modern business. It offers examples from successes such as Warby Parker, which got off the ground quickly and cheaply to eventually upend entrenched eyewear giants. A similar approach enabled Stripe to take on established payment processors throughout the world...
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