MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 5th Edition
Stormy Attaway, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, U.K., $64.95, 626 pages, Aug. 2018, ISBN: 978-0-12815-479-3

Chemical engineers use MATLAB for a variety of applications, from process control, calculations, and numerical manipulation to process simulation, modeling, and optimization. This guide reveals the programming and built-in functions of the language to equip engineers with the know-how to tackle real-world problems. Readers do not need to have any previous knowledge of programming. The book opens with basic programming concepts, such as variables, assignments, and selection statements and then moves on to loops and problem-solving.
The fifth edition has been updated to reflect the functionality of the current version of MATLAB (R2018a), including the addition of local functions in scripts, the new string type, coverage of recently introduced functions to import data from websites, and updates to the Live Editor and App Designer. The update also includes an introduction to alternate MATLAB platforms, including...
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