2018 Board of Directors’ and Institute Awards To be Presented at the Annual Meeting’s Honors Ceremony, Pittsburgh
AIChE will honor some of chemical engineering’s foremost practitioners, researchers, and educators with the presentation of the 2018 Institute and Board of Directors’ Awards. The awards will be given at the annual Honors Ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 28, during the AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
AIChE members in all areas of practice and academics are encouraged to nominate qualified candidates for future awards. Visit the AIChE website for more information about the Institute and Board awards: www.aiche.org/community/awards. The deadline for 2019 nominations is Feb. 15, 2019.
Board of Directors’ Awards
Founders Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Chemical Engineering

Julio M. Ottino, Northwestern Univ.
For pioneering work establishing the mathematical foundations of fluid mixing, granular flows, and complex systems, and for thought leadership and creative vision in chemical engineering.
F. J. and Dorothy Van Antwerpen Award for Service to the Institute
Sponsor: The Dow Chemical Co.

Eduardo D. Glandt, Univ. of Pennsylvania
For advancing the good works of the chemical engineering profession and for strengthening the future of AIChE though exemplary leadership of the Institute’s philanthropic activities.
Institute Awards
Allan P. Colburn Award for Excellence in Publications by a Young Member of the Institute
Sponsor: E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.

Hal S. Alper, Univ. of Texas at Austin
For pioneering new approaches that merge and advance the areas of synthetic biology, protein engineering, and metabolic engineering to achieve novel phenotypes including chemical overproduction.
Alpha Chi Sigma Award for Chemical Engineering Research
Sponsor: Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity and the Alpha Chi Sigma Educational Foundation

Eric S. G. Shaqfeh, Stanford Univ.
For groundbreaking work on vesicle and blood cell dynamics, and on suspensions of particles in viscoelastic fluids.
Andreas Acrivos Award for Professional Progress in Chemical Engineering
Endowed by the AIChE Foundation

Martin Z. Bazant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
For pioneering contributions to fluid mechanics, electrokinetics, and electrochemical systems, including theories for induced-charge electro-osmosis, “shock electrodialysis” water desalination, and charging in Li-based batteries.
The Award for Service to Society

Daniel J. Lacks, Case Western Reserve Univ.
For service to society through leading professional development activities for engineering faculty and other professionals from countries that have been experiencing conflict and/or infrastructure limitations.
Industrial Progress Award

Michael D. Determan, 3M Co.
For his accomplishments in the invention, development, and commercialization of next-generation pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA) with numerous industrial, electronic, and health care applications.
Industrial Research and Development Award

Kristin Thunhorst, 3M Co.
For excellence in research in materials, product and process development, and subsequent commercialization of new products and product enhancements in optics, energy, materials, and aerospace applications.
Industry Leadership Award

Jean W. Tom, Bristol-Myers Squibb
For more than three decades of transforming engineering science within the pharmaceutical industry via application of innovative approaches and development of industrial-focused chemical engineers.
Institute Award for Excellence in Industrial Gases Technology
Sponsor: Praxair, Inc.
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