Books: April 2019 | AIChE

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Books: April 2019

Championing Science: Communicating Your Ideas to Decision Makers

Roger D. Aines and Amy L. Aines, Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, CA, $29.95, 272 pages, Jan. 2019, ISBN: 978-0-520-29809-5


It’s not enough to be a good engineer or scientist. While your ideas may be impressive, if you are incapable of effectively communicating them to decision-makers, they will remain just that — ideas. Reports, emails, meetings, conversations, and presentations are all opportunities for you to build influence.

Ensure you don’t waste those opportunities with help from this guide. It offers real-world tactics for communicating complex scientific ideas to influence decision-makers in industry, government, and education with little or no science background. Instructions, interviews, and examples show how to highlight the essence of a scientific finding, craft understandable messages, simplify visuals, bridge paradigm gaps, and create compelling narratives. Readers will be equipped with the skills to earn funding, secure future research opportunities, and impact...

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