Make control valves a focal point for improvements to process performance and economics.
A control valve system includes a valve body, a stem or shaft, a valve trim and closure member (e.g., plug, ball, or disc), an actuator, and related accessories (e.g., a current-to-pressure transducer, a positioner, an air booster relay, and an air set). This system of components is collectively dubbed the control valve.
The connected pieces act dynamically on each other to alter the flowrate or pressure across the valve. A change in the input signal causes the transducer and/or positioner to move the actuator. The actuator moves the valve stem or shaft, which moves the closure member, changing the process flow through the valve (or differential pressure across the valve in cases of constant flowrate). Each response in this chain of events presents an opportunity for problems. Proper control valve engineering and selection can help to avoid or minimize such issues. Rather than a source of problems, control valves can be a focal point for improvement to process performance and economics.
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