Institute News: June 2020 | AIChE

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Institute News: June 2020

AIChE Revises its Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

AIChE has released a new statement on equity, diversity, and inclusion — designed to foster environments where all people are able to pursue and attain success and contribute to the profession. The statement is the result of an Institute-wide discussion that incorporated views from members of AIChE’s operating councils and the Board of Directors, and replaces an earlier statement issued in 2015. The new statement was approved by AIChE’s Board of Directors in March 2020.

The statement articulates AIChE’s commitment to promoting equity across the chemical engineering community and workforce. The heart of the statement reads:

Solutions to 21st century problems require innovation and creativity. These are accelerated through diverse teams and by ensuring that spaces are inclusive. AIChE is committed to nurturing an inclusive, respectful and welcoming environment where people of all backgrounds and identities are valued and respected and can achieve their full potential, regardless of: (i) race, ethnicity, or national origin; (ii) religious or spiritual practice, or lack thereof; (iii) sex, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation; (iv) family or relationship structure; (v) any type of disability or perceived disability, past or present; (vi) age; (vii) any ascribed status or visible or invisible difference.

In releasing the statement, AIChE called upon its members, leaders, and stakeholders to abide by the statement as a fundamental operating principle for all of their endeavors. The complete statement is posted online at

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