Profile: An App that Saves Lives, With a ChE at the Helm | AIChE

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Profile: An App that Saves Lives, With a ChE at the Helm



In his youth, Vedant Pradeep was a self-described hyperactive child. Born in India, he moved to the United Arab Emirates with his mother, a doctor, and his father, an engineer, when he was six years old.

From a young age, Pradeep had an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire to make a difference. He dreamed of being a genetic engineer, inspired by Marvel comics such as Spiderman, and devoured general knowledge sources such as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Today, Pradeep is a chemical engineer by training and the cofounder of Reframe, a mobile application that helps users overcome addictions such as alcoholism. The story of Reframe begins at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where Pradeep met his fellow cofounder Ziyi Gao, in an introductory chemical engineering class. The two shared a similar vision of being at the forefront of an industry, of saving not just one life at a time through medicine, for example, but millions of lives. Both agreed that the path to this goal was through technology and engineering.

Pradeep is an energetic, bluntly honest individual. Despite his success, he is remarkably humble and self-deprecating, and relatable in his journey of finding his purpose. “In the beginning of my...

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