Process Safety Progress Highlight: AI as an Ally in Hazard Analyses | AIChE

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Process Safety Progress Highlight: AI as an Ally in Hazard Analyses

Journal Highlight


Most valuable information today exists in an unstructured form. Without a fast and effective means to explore this type of information, we fail to leverage insights. In particular, the environmental, health, and safety (EHS) domain is awash in unstructured data sources, such as incident investigations, safety observations, risk assessments, and hazard studies. Even our treasured incident reporting databases, which are primary sources of EHS performance indicators, contain important textual observations and lessons learned that traditional analytical methods cannot detect. Some of these analytical methods, such as text analytics, have been around for years but still underachieve. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a more powerful analysis approach, especially when dealing with unstructured data.

AI uses human artifacts (e.g., spoken language, written word, penned drawing) to uncover meaning, relevance, or sentiment and leverage human-like understanding across vast datasets at computational speed. AI can help companies extract insights from process safety documents to determine hazardous conditions, activities, incident causes, and risk mitigation measures....

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