Career Connection: Network for your Job and Career | AIChE

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Career Connection: Network for your Job and Career

Career Connections

Your career success likely depends on your network. Approximately 60% to 90% of jobs are filled through networking. Every AIChE Spring and Annual meeting offers networking events and includes sessions on career development that often discuss the importance of networking. Networking as a subject has been covered many times in CEP over the years, but it continues to be of utmost importance.

Even small connections matter. Networking can be done in many ways, for instance, while volunteering for AIChE and other organizations, in-person at conferences and social events, in virtual meetings, and through social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Every connection matters — even connections with those who are not in your immediate geographic area or field of expertise.

For example, Stephen J. Reilly began a job hunt in an unfamiliar area when his wife was relocated from Baton Rouge to New Jersey. Reilly reached out to a contact he had met seven years earlier when he was the AIChE Baton Rouge local section chair, who now lived in New Jersey and worked at Air Liquide Advanced Materials. “Admittedly, we had not maintained regular direct contact. I was unsure how effective reaching out to him would be almost seven years later,” says Reilly. But, after Reilly messaged him through LinkedIn, the contact offered to discuss Reilly’s resume with the recruiter and hiring...

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