Powering the Future: 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting Set for Phoenix, AZ — Nov. 13–18
This November, the global community of chemical engineering researchers, innovators, and professionals-in-training will gather in Phoenix, AZ, to take part in the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting and the associated Annual Student Conference. The Annual Meeting is booked for the Phoenix Convention Center, Nov. 13–18, with the undergraduate conference taking place Nov. 11–14.
This year’s meeting theme — Powering the Future — underscores the many sectors in which chemical engineering expertise and leadership are shaping the future of industry and contributing to a better way of life. That theme will be reflected in the meeting’s topical conferences, discussions, and special events, in a program containing more than 700 technical sessions.
New and expanded topical conferences showcase chemical engineering contributions to areas of emerging importance. These conferences spotlight chemical engineering’s influence on medicine and healthcare, sustainable pathways toward hydrogen-based and synthetic fuels, material interfaces as energy solutions, and the application of sensors in advancing the industry’s sustainability goals. The evolving engineering workforce will be surveyed in a conference devoted to building a fully inclusive profession, and one highlighting opportunities for engineering entrepreneurs.
Additional topical conferences cover the challenges involved in managing waste plastics, opportunities in the emerging field of regenerative engineering, innovations in process engineering, and applications of data science to molecules and materials. The Next-Generation Manufacturing conference incorporates topics such as 3D printing, Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, process intensification, the industrial internet of things, and cybersecurity.
Reduced conference registration rates are in effect until Oct. 3. A selection of featured and high-level sessions will be recorded and made available to conference registrants for on-demand viewing on a virtual platform for 30 days after the meeting. Meeting registrants may also purchase permanent access to these recordings.
More details about the Annual Meeting will appear in the next issue of CEP and online at www.aiche.org/annual...
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