AIChE Journal Highlight: Maintaining the Strong Core of Chemical Engineering | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Maintaining the Strong Core of Chemical Engineering

Journal Highlight


In the past several decades, chemical engineering research has undergone tremendous diversification extending into a wide variety of scientific areas. These areas include catalysis and surface science, synthesis of new materials and novel membranes, biological and health science (e.g., nano drug delivery systems, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling of drug dosing), renewable energy, process and product engineering, and countless other new pursuits. Chemical engineers have contributed to climate solutions, exploration of the earth’s soil, ecology of the human gut, metabolic engineering, systems and synthetic biology, enzyme engineering, and so on. Clearly, chemical engineering has flourished in various ways.

However, in light of the aforementioned accomplishments, Doraiswami Ramkrishna (Purdue Univ.) and Richard D. Braatz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) seem to be in discord with the general status of the field in the October AIChE Journal Perspective article, “Whither Chemical Engineering?” The authors’ concern surrounds the status of chemical engineering core courses, particularly at the undergraduate level, that appear...

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