Institute News: October 2022 | AIChE

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Institute News: October 2022

Dordick, Khademhosseini to be Honored at AIChE Annual Meeting

▲ Dordick

AIChE’s Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) will honor two of the field’s most accomplished people at the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 13–18 in Phoenix, AZ.

Jonathan S. Dordick, Institute Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), will receive the SBE’s 2022 James E. Bailey Award and present an associated lecture on Nov. 15. In his talk, “Exploiting Viruses that Kill and Killing Viruses that Exploit: Some Sweet Science,” Dordick will describe how his research takes cues from nature to design biological molecules and endow them with unique structural and functional properties — enabling their use in functional biomolecules and new bioprocess technologies.

The Bailey Award is endowed by Cytos Biotechnology, and is named for biotechnology pioneer James “Jay” Bailey. The award is presented to a person who has had an important impact on bioengineering and whose achievements have advanced the field in any of its aspects.

Dordick pioneered the development of enzymatic and chemoenzymatic methods for new materials synthesis, initiating the new field of molecular bioprocessing. He has used biomolecular discovery and engineering for clinical translation in areas including infectious diseases, neurological diseases, and anticoagulant therapy. Among numerous roles at RPI, Dordick is Co-Director of the Heparin Applied Research Center and Director of the SARS-CoV-2 Testing Laboratory. He has also served the biochemical engineering community as an editor of Biotechnology & Bioengineering. Among many honors and assignments, he has served on numerous White House-sponsored panels and committees...

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