Emerging Voices: Condensing Years of Research Into Three Minutes | AIChE

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Emerging Voices: Condensing Years of Research Into Three Minutes

Graduate students conduct numerous hours of research throughout the course of their academic careers, culminating in a dissertation or thesis. Asking these individuals to simply explain their work in understandable terms in a matter of a few minutes may prove difficult to them as they try to come up with a correct yet simple way to describe their research. However, chemical engineering students from around the world have decided to pick up the challenge and do just that at AIChE’s first ever Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.

What is 3MT? 3MT is a competition initially founded by the Univ. of Queensland in Australia in 2008. The idea and main purpose of the competition is to challenge graduate students across different disciplines to present their theses in an allotted time of three minutes. While doing so, they are to use terms that would be appropriate for an audience that may not have a technical background in their area of research. Along with the time constraint, competitors are only allowed to use one slide to aid their presentation and are not allowed to use any sort of props. The presentations are evaluated by a panel of judges based on content and ease of comprehension; presenters are also scored based on how engaging they are and how well they communicate...

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