This fall, the worldwide community of chemical engineering researchers, educators, and thought leaders will survey the latest developments and future directions of their profession when AIChE presents its 2022 Annual Meeting — Nov. 13–18 in Phoenix, AZ. The associated Annual Student Conference gets underway Nov. 11–14.
Returning to a fully in-person format, the conference features a line-up of more than 700 technical sessions, with new and expanded topical conferences detailing innovations and fundamentals alike. The technical program is supplemented by major lectures, panels, exhibits, poster sessions, and a breadth of networking and social events.
Reduced conference registration rates are in effect until Oct. 3. A selection of featured and high-level sessions will be recorded and made available to registrants for on-demand viewing on a virtual platform for 30 days after the meeting. Meeting registrants will also be able to purchase permanent access to these recordings.
Visit for complete program and registration information.
Spotlight on featured events
Setting the stage for the conference, the meeting’s theme — Powering the Future — will be considered during a panel discussion on Monday, Nov. 14. Leaders from academia, industry, and government will discuss opportunities for chemical engineers to solve emerging societal problems and become drivers of a sustainable future. Panelists include Rakesh Agrawal (Purdue Univ.), Anne Gaffney (Idaho National Lab), Ah-Hyung [Alissa] Park (Columbia Univ.), and David Sholl (Oak Ridge National Lab).
On Sunday, Nov. 13, another panel discussion will cover the 2022 Report by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) — which points to new directions for chemical engineers in addressing the changing needs of society, industry, educational institutions, and the world-at-large. Participants include Eric Kaler (Case Western Reserve Univ.), Jean Tom (Bristol Myers Squibb), Cato Laurencin (UConn Health), Jodie Lutkenhaus (Texas A&M Univ.), and John Siirola (Sandia National Lab).

▲ Reichmanis
The John M. Prausnitz AIChE Institute Lecture (Nov. 16) is named in honor of the pioneer of chemical engineering-oriented molecular thermodynamics. The 74th Institute Lecture will be presented by Elsa Reichmanis, Professor and Carl Robert Anderson Chair in the Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh Univ. In her lecture, “From Silicon to Plastic: It’s All About Surfaces,” Reichmanis will explain how surface chemistry considerations, coupled with interfaces and physical interactions, can impact the design of advanced materials for applications ranging from electronic devices to energy storage and conversion.

▲ Dordick
The AIChE Society for Biological Engineering’s (SBE) James E. Bailey Award Lecture (Nov. 15) honors the memory of biotechnology pioneer Jay Bailey. The 2022 Bailey Award lecturer is Jonathan Dordick, Institute Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Dordick’s lecture is entitled “Exploiting Viruses that Kill and Killing Viruses that Exploit: Some Sweet Science.”

▲ Prather
The Andreas Acrivos Award for Professional Progress in Chemical Engineering Lecture (Nov. 15) is presented by the 2021 honoree, Kristala L. Jones Prather, the Arthur D. Little Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In her talk, Prather will describe microbial chemical factories and the design, assembly, and engineering of biological routes to chemical compounds.

▲ Anderson
The William R. Schowalter Lecture (Nov. 16) is named for the fluid mechanics pioneer, and focuses in alternating years on topics in fluid mechanics and topics of general interest to the profession. This year’s lecturer is John L. Anderson, President of the National Academy of Engineering. In his lecture, “From Particles to People and Complex Organizations,” Anderson will reflect on the leadership of technical organizations from an engineering mindset, including ideas on how engineering and science differ, as well as the importance of diverse prespectives in decision-making.
The Prausnitz, Acrivos, and Schowalter lectures are endowed by the AIChE Foundation. Another Foundation-endowed honor is the Langer Prize for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence, which features a lecture by this year’s recipient (Nov. 14). Other lectures include the Danckwerts Memorial Lecture on Nov. 14; co-sponsored by Elsevier, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), and the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE); and the James Y. Oldshue Lecture on Nov. 17; co-sponsored by AIChE and the Inter-American Confederation of Chemical Engineering. Those lecturers will be announced online and in the next issue of CEP.
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