AIChE Journal Highlight: Founders Issue Honors Tunde Ogunnaike | AIChE

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AIChE Journal Highlight: Founders Issue Honors Tunde Ogunnaike

AIChE Journal

The chemical engineering community lost one of its most cherished members when Babatunde “Tunde” A. Ogunnaike passed away on Sunday, Feb. 20, 2022. The former William L. Friend Chair of Chemical Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering at the Univ. of Delaware was an industrial practitioner and researcher, academic scholar, teacher, mentor, and university leader.

Many who knew Ogunnaike remember his infectious love for learning that touched many students over the years. His impact on the chemical engineering profession cannot be overstated. The April 2023 issue of the AIChE Journal is a Founders Issue honoring Tunde Ogunnaike and his many contributions in the field.

Prodromos Daoutidis (Univ. of Minnesota) and Wilfred Chen (Univ. of Delaware) coordinated the special issue with Editor-in-Chief David Sholl and assembled a collection of articles written by Ogunnaike’s collaborators, colleagues, and friends. The articles span a variety of topics that reflect Ogunnaike’s multitude of contributions: distributed state estimation, gauge control, supply chain management, process data analytics, data-driven modeling, Bayesian optimization, equation-oriented simulation and optimization, pharmaceutical...

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