Advanced Manufacturing Progress: ChemE Cube Challenges Student Teams to Tackle Direct Air Capture | AIChE

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Advanced Manufacturing Progress: ChemE Cube Challenges Student Teams to Tackle Direct Air Capture

Advanced Manufacturing Progress

The 2023 ChemE Cube Competition Powered by RAPID | ExxonMobil will encourage undergraduate students to use chemical engineering principles to combat the rise of global CO2 emissions. This year’s competition tasks students with creating a direct air capture plant — all within a tiny footprint.

What is ChemE Cube? ChemE Cube is an annual competition where undergraduate student teams design and build a one-cubic-foot plant to meet technical criteria defined in a problem statement. During the ChemE Cube event, which is hosted by the RAPID Manufacturing Institute, teams test their cubes in head-to-head duels and promote their technology through a one-minute video, poster, and 20-min “Shark Tank”-style pitch to a panel of mock investors. The competition encourages students to think about product development holistically — from process design to economic viability and marketability. Teams are encouraged to gather a diverse group of students from a range of discipline areas to generate more imaginative ideas for best approaching the problem statement...

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