More than 2,100 chemical engineering practitioners, process safety professionals, and allied stakeholders across the chemical process industries (CPI) explored the latest opportunities in their evolving profession at the 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS) — held Mar. 12–16 in Houston, TX.
With its emphasis on the future of the profession, the meeting elaborated on chemical engineers’ role in fulfilling the emerging needs of industry and society, in a program consisting of nearly 200 technical sessions.
This year’s Spring Meeting featured the debut of a new topical conference devoted to the energy transition, and reviewed new technologies in clean energy and wastewater management. The program also spotlighted chemical engineers as leaders of next-generation manufacturing, incorporating perspectives from Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, process intensification, and other topics. The Industry 4.0 topical conference began with a plenary session co-hosted by AIChE’s Fuels and Petrochemicals Div. — which continued its extensive programming, including sessions related to the transition to sustainable energy sources.
Other highlights included the 35th Ethylene Producers’ Conference and topical conferences delving into gas utilization, refinery processing, hydrogen safety, plastics circularity, and professional development. The biennial Kister Distillation Symposium presented technologies and advice for column installation, revamp, process control, plant troubleshooting, and more.
The meeting’s technical content was enhanced by plenaries, keynote talks, panel discussions, poster sessions, exhibits, and networking events — some of which are illustrated on these pages.
Additional photos from the meeting are available on AIChE’s website:

▲ Darlene Schuster (left), AIChE’s CEO and Executive Director, presented the AIChE Government and Industry Leaders (AGILE) Award for 2023 to Michael J. Graff (right), Chairman and CEO of American Air Liquide Holdings, Inc. Graff set the stage for the meeting with his AGILE Keynote Welcome Address on Mar. 13.

▲ In his AGILE lecture, Graff underscored the conference’s main theme as he explained how the chemical engineering profession is inventing the future. After Graff’s talk, Cristina Thomas (right; 3M), the Spring Meeting’s Program Chair, fielded questions from the audience in a round of Q&A.
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