Career Connection: Unwrapping Opportunities for Success in the New Year | AIChE

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Career Connection: Unwrapping Opportunities for Success in the New Year

It might be tempting to pause your job search during the holidays due to festivities, disruptions, or the misconception that “no one hires during the holidays.” I suggest the opposite — keep applying, searching, and networking. Here are four reasons to maintain your job search momentum and five actions to position yourself for opportunities in the new year.

Companies have extra year-end money. Many organizations have “use it or lose it” budgets. They must fill roles before the new year or risk losing funding for those positions. I had a client who interviewed right before Christmas and received an offer days later. If there’s a critical vacancy and a strong candidate appears, companies won’t miss the chance to interview and hire them, even during the holidays.

Less competition for open opportunities. The rise of remote work has streamlined hiring, making it easier to schedule interviews. With many people pausing their search, the holidays offer less competition and greater flexibility for interviews. Additionally, not all cultures celebrate holidays in December, and global and remote hiring practices have expanded opportunities. Roles previously limited by location may now be open to candidates worldwide, making this an ideal time to apply for international or remote positions.

More chances to socialize (i.e., network). The holidays are a great time for connecting with people and making new contacts...

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