Emerging Voices: Reimagining Industrial Spaces | AIChE

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Emerging Voices: Reimagining Industrial Spaces

Emerging Voices

Only a few weeks after graduating with my undergraduate degree in chemical engineering, I began my first full-time role as a process engineer at a manufacturing facility in an industrial park. My job was interesting, and I worked with a great team of engineers. The only downside was the location. I would commute 45 minutes outside the city, where I’d work in a facility surrounded by miles of office buildings and massive machinery. No matter how much my coworkers and I enjoyed the work, the environment remained an impediment to employee morale.

Industrial and business parks are vital for local economies, and they are some of the most common work environments for chemical engineers. While grouping similar businesses in proximity to each other has the benefit of consolidating skilled labor and promoting collaboration, business and industrial parks have an unfortunate tendency to be forgotten spaces, relegated to city peripheries. They usually aren’t the most visually interesting parts of a town. They often lack amenities, efficient transportation, outdoor spaces...

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