2025 International Mammalian Synthetic Biology Workshop (mSBW) | AIChE

The International Mammalian Synthetic Biology Workshop (mSBW) brings together leaders in synthetic biology with experts from other relevant fields to highlight and inspire cutting-edge synthetic biology research, emphasizing both basic and applied science. The mSBW series has grown to become a signature worldwide event exploring the latest advances and their applications in human health and beyond.

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 28, 2025

Early Bird Deadline: June 23, 2025

Reasons to Present

  • This is the only meeting specifically dedicated to mammalian synthetic biology and its applications
  • Benefit from creative input from colleagues working in allied fields
  • Develop new collaborations and build relationships for current and future projects
  • Identify trends that might influence your current research

Reasons to Attend

  • Access presentations from leaders on the cutting-edge of research
  • Attend Industry panel, with opportunities to network with biotech leaders/startups and international researchers
  • Gain exposure to a terrific lineup of plenary speakers, sharing the latest in mammalian synthetic biology research
  • The conference is unique in its focus on mammalian cell engineering and rational design approaches that push the field beyond transgenics and gene editing

Conference Chairs

Organizing Committee

Keynote Speakers

Invited Speakers

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