Profile: How One Professor is Teaching Separations Science | AIChE

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Profile: How One Professor is Teaching Separations Science



Natacha Souto-Melgar, an assistant professor in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering at the Univ. of Arkansas (U of A), enjoys teaching and encouraging her students to be passionate about separations science.

“I like to motivate others,” she says. “In teaching, there is power to inspire others and the opportunity to learn about different things.”

Souto-Melgar recently received the AIChE Separations Division Education and Outreach Award, which grants up to $5,000 to support educational initiatives that drive learning in the field of separations.

With this grant, she plans to buy the equipment to develop a hands-on experiment through which students will learn to investigate molecular diffusion. She aims to design the experiment with a group of students who will create the experience, write a handout for its procedure, and record a video demonstration that all of the AIChE community can use in their courses.

“Most of our students go on to work in industry,” Souto-Melgar says. “Not a lot of them are pursuing post-graduate...

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