Process Intensification in Separation Processes | AIChE

Process Intensification in Separation Processes


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Separations play a critical role in the production of wide-ranging products in the chemicals industry. With pressures to produce high-quality chemicals, quickly, efficiently, and with minimal impact on the environment, these separation processes become even more important. Process intensification (PI) offers a new way to approach separations that has the potential for step changes in reducing energy and material use, among other benefits.

This course provides an overview of the current state, as well as future directions, of PI in separation processes in the chemicals industry. Through illustrative examples, you’ll develop a conceptual understanding of PI principles and learn how these can be applied to separations. You will also learn about the role of PI in membranes, and explore examples of intensified membrane processes.   

  • Basics of intensified separation processes
  • How to apply the principles of PI to separation processes
  • Benefits of applying PI to separation processes
  • Latest research on intensified separation technologies


Chemical Engineers, Process Engineers, Process Development, Process Technology, R&D

Those in Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Water and Wastewater treatment and recovery positions

Unit 1: Process Intensification in Separation Processes

Unit 2: Process Intensification in Membrane Processes

Unit 3: Process Intensification in Microfiltration / Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration / Reverse Osmosis

Unit 4: Process Intensification in Emerging Membrane Processes


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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    RAPID - RAPID Manufacturing Institute for Process Intensification
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    4 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York