March 2012 | AIChE

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March 2012

Allan P. Colburn Award for Excellence in Publications by a Young Member of the Institute


A plaque and $5,000, plus a $500 travel allowance

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
PresentationPresented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
SponsorsDuPont de Nemours, Inc.

Encourages excellence in publications by a younger member of the Institute. The award is presented to a member of AIChE, or in an unusual situation, to members jointly, for significant contributions to chemical engineering through publications. The award candidate must have earned his or her...

Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science


The award given is a plaque and $2,500.00.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
AdministratorsMaterials Engineering & Sciences Division (MESD)
PresentationThe winner is invited each year as the featured speaker for the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Plenary session at the National AIChE meeting in the Fall.
Nomination Instructions

Nominations for the Braskem Award must be submitted by members of AIChE, by using the general nomination form.

Selection criteria include:

  1. Nominees must be members of AIChE.
  2. The award can be given to an individual or a team.
  3. Significant discoveries, important research, the development of new processes and products, the initiation of new materials and management, education concepts, or outstanding service to the materials community.

The award consists of a plaque and a $2500 cash award. The winner is invited each year as the featured speaker for the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Plenary session at the National AIChE meeting in the Fall.

Email the nomination form (accessible below) to the Braskem Award Committee Chair, Professor Michael Tsapatsis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Nomination Form


The Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science is bestowed annually to a leading researcher in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of materials science and engineering. Previous Winners include many important researchers in the materials engineering field.

Institute Lecturer Award


A plaque and $2,000.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2015
AdministratorsProgram Committee (PC)
PresentationThe lecture is presented in a special session at the AIChE Annual Meeting. The text of the presentation is considered for inclusion in an AIChE publication.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. the quality and relevance of the accomplishments of the lecturer in the technical field likely to be the subject of the lecture,
  2. the communication skills of the lecturer,
  3. the value of the lecture to the meeting attendees and the members of the Institute.

Please submit the nomination form to Kristine Chin, Director of Technical Programming at Alternatively, mail the form to the following address:

Kristine Chin, Program Development

120 Wall Street, 23 Floor

New York, NY  10005

The Executive Board of the Program Committee invites a distinguished member of AIChE to present a comprehensive authoritative review of the chemical engineering science in his or her field of specialization.

Beginning in 2016, the Institute Lecture Award was renamed to the John M...

Program Committee's Herb Epstein Award for Technical Programming


The award consists of a plaque and $500

DeadlineFebruary 14, 2025
AdministratorsProgram Committee (PC)
PresentationThe award will be presented at the AIChE Spring Meeting by the President of AIChE (or by the Chair or Secretary of EBPC) at an appropriate occasion during the Spring Meeting. Generally to be awarded not more than once per year.
Nomination Instructions

Selection Criteria include:

  1. Meritorious contribution to a technical programming event or task accomplished within two years of the nomination date.
  2. Value of this programming event or task to AIChE and its members and the profession of chemical engineering
  3. Compliance to a spirit of volunteerism.
  4. Demonstrated dedication to the profession of chemical engineering.

The nomination will be reviewed in the month of February of the year the award is to be presented at the Spring Meeting by a panel chaired by the EBPC Past Chair (as of the review) and the Chair of EBPC, Secretary of EBPC, and one or more additional member appointed at the discretion of the Chair of EBPC. The award winner will be notified by the Chair of EBPC or the Secretary of EBPC.

Extensions will be granted for qualifying life events that occurred during the standard twelve (12) year eligibility window. Qualifying events include childbirth, maternity and paternity leave for births or adoptions, and extended caregiving of a sick family member.  The award nomination must include a statement of the reason for the leave and the period of time that was impacted. No more than two years may be excluded from the countable years, regardless of the combination of circumstances.

Please submit the nomination form to Program Development at Alternatively, mail the form to the following address:

Kelsey Kettelhut, Program Development

120 Wall Street, 23 Floor

New York, NY  10005

Established in the summer of 2007, the Executive Board of the Program Committee presents this award to an individual in memory of Herbie Epstein for his many contributions and long years of service to AIChE and technical programming.

Founders Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Chemical Engineering


A plaque. 

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
PresentationPresented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Follow instructions and download form here.

This award recognizes outstanding contributions in the chemical engineering field. 1. The award is presented to a member of AIChE who has had an important impact on chemical engineering and whose achievements, either specific or general, have advanced this profession in any of its aspects. The...

Harry West Student Poster Award


The Harry West Student Poster Award consists of a certificate and a monetary award to the presenter. Number and amount will be at the discretion of the F&PD judging team. Plaques will also be presented to the department of the award winner.

DeadlineOctober 22, 2015
AdministratorsFuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
Nomination Instructions

Relevant posters in fuels, petrochemicals, and safety will be identified by submitting an abstract to the Student Poster competition of the AIChE Annual meeting. Posters are not restricted to research topics and may include design case studies and reviews. Posters must describe the student’s own original contribution but may be part of a larger project to which the submitter contributed. Judging for the Harry West Award is separate from the AIChE event. Results in the AIChE event will have no bearing in the selection of winners, nor will the Harry West Award impact AIChE winners.

Award Winner Selection Process

Abstract Submission

The Harry West Student Poster Award is presented during the Student Poster Competition during the AIChE Annual Student Conference. All authors who submit a poster with a topic or application to fuels and petrochemicals are considered. Details can be found on the...

The Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Academic High School Scholarship


Two $1000 awards.

DeadlineMarch 31, 2019
AdministratorsFuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Annual Award Luncheon at the AIChE Spring National Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Eligibility: Eligible applicants are graduating high school seniors with exemplary academic records and demonstrated leadership potential. Eligible applicants must plan to attend an accredited four year university in the fall and plan to major in engineering or science. College acceptance letters and proof of registration must be presented to F&PD’s scholarship panel prior to disbursement of awards.

Application Package:

  • Application Form- Completed and signed application.
  • Transcript- Official copy of applicant’s high school transcript(s).
  • Essay- Applicant must submit an original, typed, single-sided, double-spaced essay which discusses a current event in regards to Fuels & Petrochemicals Industry and shares the applicant’s thoughts (i.e. gas prices, alternative fuel sources, carbon credits, plant safety, ethanol, biofuels, shale gas, etc.)  Essays should be no more than 1000 words in length.
  • Letter of Reference- Applicant must submit one letter of reference from a high school or community leader which discusses the applicant’s scholastic ability, character and/or leadership characteristics.
  • Sponsorship Letter – Applicants must submit a sponsorship letter from a practicing engineer or scientist. The letter should state why this applicant is being sponsored.

Mailing Instructions:

All materials must either be mailed in one envelope or package, and be postmarked before March 31, or e-mailed before 11:59 pm Pacific Time on March 31, 2019.  Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Address to:

Fuels & Petrochemicals Division of AICHE

Attn: Scholarship Panel/Sheima Khatib

Department of Chemical Engineering

Box 43121

Lubbock, TX  79409-3121

Award Determination

The Scholarship Panel will review all applications and rank applicants for the award. Award will be based on academic merit, Letters of Recommendation and creativity/clarity and merit of the essay. Any special situations may also be taken into account. The scholarship committee will be made up of 4-5 members of F&PDs Executive Committee. 

Notification of Award

Winners will be notified via phone and mail by F&PD’s Scholarship Panel, and acknowledged at the F&PD Spring Awards Event that is held in conjunction with the AIChE National Spring Meeting. The winner and up to two guests are invited to attend the Awards Dinner event at no charge, however, the winner is responsible for all travel expenses associated with attending the event.  Attendance is not mandatory.

The Fuels and Petrochemicals Division of AICHE (F&PD) is pleased to sponsor two $1,000 one-time awards to exemplary high school seniors who plan on studying engineering or science. F&PD is committed to introducing high school students to careers in Fuels & Petrochemicals through its programs, helping to fuel the industry’s need for top talent in the future.

Greener Package and the Institute for Sustainability to Produce Sustainable Packaging Symposium 2012

June 27, 2011
Chicago, IL & New York, NY, June 27, 2011 — Greener Package and the Institute for Sustainability, a technological community of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), announce plans for Sustainable Packaging Symposium 2012. Slated...

AIChE Launches New Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance Forum

May 2, 2011
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) announced the launch of an Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance Forum in conjunction with the opening of the Offshore Technology Conference, of which it is a sponsoring organization.
