March 2012 | AIChE

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March 2012

Environmental Division Undergraduate Student Paper Award


A plaque and $300, $200, and $100 for first, second and third place, respectively

DeadlineJuly 1, 2024
AdministratorsEnvironmental Division (ENV)
PresentationThe award is presented at a designated function of the Environmental Division at either the AIChE Spring National Meeting or at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. The nominee must be a full-time undergraduate in good standing at a college or university with an accredited program in chemical engineering, and must be a member of an AIChE Student Chapter.
  2. The work must be performed during the student's undergraduate enrollment, and the paper must be submitted prior to or within six months of graduation.
  3. The student must be the sole author of the paper, but faculty guidance is encouraged (if published, additional authors are accepted).
  4. The entry is judged primarily on depth and breadth of knowledge, originality, and the merits of the project results.
  5. The paper may not be submitted for another AIChE award this year.  It is permitted to submit a paper from a previous year if it has not already received an award. 

Nominations must be submitted to Kirti Yenkie (, 1st Vice Chair, by July 1, 2024

Nomination Form

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student who prepares the best original paper based on the results of research or an investigation related to the environment.

Dr. Peter. B. Lederman Environmental Division Service Award


A plaque.

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsEnvironmental Division (ENV)
PresentationThe award is presented at a designated function of the Environmental Division at either the AIChE Spring National Meeting or at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nominations must be submitted to Kerry Kelley (, Past Chair, by June 1, 2024

Nomination Form

Recognizes outstanding service to the Environmental Division. The recipient must have a considerable record of sustained service to the Environmental Division and the environmental area over an extended period of time.


SAChE Student Design Competition for Safety in Design


One team design award (Jack Wehman Design Award) of $300 and one individual design award (Walter Howard Design Award) of $200 for the best applications of the principles of chemical process safety

DeadlineJune 14, 2019
AdministratorsSafety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE)
PresentationAwards are presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Design competition booklets are distributed to Chapter advisors and SACHE schools each fall. Submit designs to the AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-4020; Phone/fax: 646-495-1364/646-495-1503; or

Each year, chemical engineers from a designated company devise and judge a student contest problem that typifies a real, working, chemical engineering design situation. The problem's solution requires a wide range of skills in calculation and evaluation of both technical data and economic...

Student Design Competition - Individual


For individual entries, 1st Prize (The A. McLaren White Award)--$500; 2nd Prize (The A.E. Marshall Award)--$300; 3rd Prize (The Omega Chi Epsilon Award)--$200.

Additional prizes will be awarded by SAChE and the Safety and Health Division in both the individual and team competitions. 

DeadlineJune 15, 2025
PresentationAwards are presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Competition statements were distributed online to student chapter advisors and department heads in October. Late requests for problem statements should be made to Contact for an entry form, which must be included with submission.

2025 AIChE Student Design Competition Entry Form 

For information about the Team competition, click here

SponsorsOmega Chi Epsilon

Each year, chemical engineers from a designated company devise and judge a student contest problem that typifies a real, working, chemical engineering design situation. The problem's solution requires a wide range of skills in calculation and evaluation of both technical data and economic...

Student Design Competition - Team


Team: 1st Prize (The William Cunningham Award)--$600, to be divided equally among team members. Runners-up receive Honorable Mention.

Additional prizes will be awarded by SAChE and the Safety and Health Division in both the individual and team competitions. 

DeadlineJune 15, 2025
PresentationAwards are presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Competition statements were distributed online to student chapter advisors and department heads. Late requests for problem statements should be made to Contact for an entry form, which must be included with each submission. One form per team member, please.

2025 AIChE Student Design Competition Entry Form

For information about the Individual competition, click here

SponsorsOmega Chi Epsilon

Each year, chemical engineers from a designated company devise and judge a student contest problem that typifies a real, working, chemical engineering design situation. The problem's solution requires a wide range of skills in calculation and evaluation of both technical data and economic...

Process Safety Division Student Design Competition Award for Safety


The winners of this award will receive a check for $600 from the Process Safety Division of AIChE. Each inherent safety winning solution (team or individual) will be awarded a total prize of $600 to be divided by the team winners.

DeadlineJune 12, 2021
AdministratorsProcess Safety Division (PSD)
PresentationAwards are presented at the Student Awards Ceremony during the Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

The awards will be granted to the teams or individuals who apply some of the following concepts of inherent safety in their designs:

  1. Design the plant for easier and effective maintainability
  2. Design the plant with less waste
  3. Design the plant with special features that demonstrate inherent safety
  4. Include design concepts regarding the entire life cycle

The school must have a student chapter of AIChE. The report will need a separate section titled "inherent safety" to describe the design features that represent inherent safety. The Process Safety Division will evaluate all of the designs that are submitted for the AIChE Student Design Competition using the inherent safety criteria mentioned above.

The AIChE designs are submitted to AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10005; Ph./Fax: 646-495-1384/646-495-1503.

There will be up to four awards ($600 each) for the appropriate application of inherent safety in the designs. A subcommittee of the Safety and Health Division will evaluate and pick the award recipients.

FRI/John G. Kunesh Award


A check for $1000, a plaque, and 2 complementary tickets (recipient plus guest) to the Separations Division Awards Dinner at the AIChE Fall Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 1, 2025
AdministratorsSeparations Division (SEP)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Separations Division Dinner held during the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions


  • Candidate must be age 39 or less at the time of nomination.
  • Candidate must be a member of AIChE in good standing and a member of the Separations Division. Active participation in the Separations Division, while not required, will be considered during the selection process.
  • Nomination to include a current resume and/or documentation supporting the individual’s involvement and contributions to the separations disciplines. Nomination to include confirmation of the birth date of the nominee.
  • Nomination deadline to coincide with established deadlines for awards to be presented at the AChE’s fall annual meeting.
  • Current office holders of the Separations Division leadership are eligible for this award, if other criteria are also met.
  • Nominations will remain open as long as the candidate is eligible. Nominators are strongly encouraged to update their nominee’s files regularly.
  • This award may only be awarded to the same individual only once. Up to four supporting letters are required. To facilitate the review process, the preferred format for Nomination Packages is electronic, in ".pdf" format. If you wish to submit a Nomination Package in any other format, electronic or print, please contact the Separations Division. Send nominations to:, and

Nomination Form

SponsorsFractionation Research, Inc. (FRI)

This award is presented in memory of John G. Kunesh, past Separations Division Chairman and Technical Director of Fractionation Research, Inc. (FRI). His dedication to the distillation industry and service to those working in it serve as models for all those practicing engineering disciplines....

Ansys Particle Technology Forum Service Award


Award consists of $1,000, a plaque, and two tickets to PTF award dinner

DeadlineMay 31, 2024
AdministratorsParticle Technology Forum (PTF)
Nomination Instructions

Nomination procedure and package contents:

Nomination must be made by a member of PTF EC and must include a brief letter of nomination stating how the nominee contributed to the PTF and the field of particle technology through their service. Send nominations to

SponsorsAnsys, Inc.

This award recognizes a forum member's lifetime outstanding scientific/technical contributions to the field of particle technology, as well as leadership in promoting scholarship, research, development, service and/or education in this field.

Robert E. Wilson Award


A plaque and $1000.

DeadlineJune 13, 2024
AdministratorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Nuclear Engineering Division’s Robert E. Wilson Award Luncheon at the AIChE Annual Meeting, after which the awardee addresses the Division with a keynote lecture.
Nomination Instructions

To nominate a candidate for this award, please send a letter detailing the nominee’s chemical engineering contributions and achievements that merit consideration together with a curriculum vitae to Dr. Max Gorensek at or/and Dr. Valmor F. de Almeida at AIChE membership is a prerequisite.

SponsorsNuclear Engineering Division (NED)

Dr. Robert E. Wilson (1893-1964), a graduate of the College of Wooster (Ohio) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of over 100 technical papers and holder of over 100 patents, recognized for his scientific contributions with three important scientific medals, honorary doctorates...

Clarence (Larry) G. Gerhold Award


A check for $3000, a plaque, and 2 complementary tickets (recipient plus guest) to the Separations Division Awards Dinner at the AIChE Fall Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 1, 2025
AdministratorsSeparations Division (SEP)
PresentationA plaque and $3,000.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. A sustained record (at least 15 years) of contributions to separations technology. Such activity may include demonstrated leadership in research, teaching, engineering, or any aspect of industrial practice.
  2. A unique and valuable contribution to separations technology which has had a major impact on one of the separation technologies. The contribution should represent a turning point in a particular technology.
  3. A continuing and extensive record of service to the Separations Division.
  4. Nominees must be members of AIChE. To facilitate the review process, the preferred format for Nomination Packages is electronic, in ".pdf" format.

If you wish to submit a Nomination Package in any other format, electronic or print, please contact the Separations Division Gerhold Award Committee Chair, Dan Summers,  well in advance of the submission deadline. Send nominations to Dan Summers email:

Nomination Form

SponsorsHoneywell UOP

Recognizes an individual's outstanding contribution in research, development, or in the application of chemical separations technology. Starting in 2010 the award will be presented in even years to nominees from industry or non academic entities, and in odd years to nominees from academia.
