March 2012 | AIChE

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March 2012

Shining Star Award


Free registration and expenses paid (up to $1000) to the 2025 Spring Meeting or 2025 Annual Fall Meeting.

DeadlineNovember 30, 2025
AdministratorsLocal Sections Committee (LSC)
PresentationShining Star Awards are announced in February. Winners are invited to attend the Local Section Committee meetings and Volunteer Recognition Reception at that year’s Spring or Annual meetings to be presented with their award.
Nomination Instructions

Nominations must be submitted by local section officers on behalf of members with at least three years of professional membership in AIChE. In each annual award cycle, a section's officers can submit up to two nominations. Both small and large local sections are invited to nominate their most active members.

This award is designed to recognize long-term volunteerism in the local section. It can also be to recognize an individual for a significant contribution to a large event like a conference.

We are looking for those volunteers that show:

  • Dedication and personal commitment to AIChE and the Local Section
  • Willingness to take on a daunting task
  • Eagerness to set an example for others
  • Willingness to step up and help the section when it needed it the most
  • A long history of service to the section
  • Infusion of new ideas / energy into the section

Nomination Procedure

Nominations must be received by November 30 and recipients will earn the award for redemption for one of two conference events in the following calendar year. 

Awards granted are based on merit as decided by the Local Sections Committee. The LSC can grant awards on a first come, first served basis if there are fewer eligible nominations than awards. If there are more eligible nominations than awards, then the LSC will award the best nominees.  This award can be awarded to an individual one time only.

Nomination Form

The Local Sections Committee and Career and Education Operating Council are proud to administer the Shining Star Award which recognizes outstanding volunteerism at the AIChE local section level and encourages members to become more involved in local section activities.

F&P Division Award


The award is primarily honorary in nature.

DeadlineNovember 13, 2024
AdministratorsFuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
PresentationThe award recipient is the speaker at the Division's award dinner, held at the AIChE Spring National Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria includes:

  • Long and recognized record in the nominee's areas of achievement.
  • A chemical engineer and preferably an AIChE member.
  • Awardees are selected based on a combination of technical achievement, management skills, business acumen, academic leadership and general service to the profession.
  • Selection shall be balanced between the fuels and petrochemicals industries.

Send nominations to the Fuels & Petrochemicals Division Past Chair; E-mail:

Nomination Form

Recognizes individuals who have made substantial technological contributions to the advancement of the fuels and petrochemicals industries.

Energy and Sustainability Award


A plaque plus $7,500.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
PresentationPresented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection of the winner of the award will be based on three key criteria:

  • Impact of the contribution – has it made a difference?
  • Magnitude of the challenges that were overcome – what was the degree of difficulty?
  • Innovation and technical creativity – what is the intellectual content?
SponsorsAir Products and Chemicals, Inc.

The Energy and Sustainability Award shall be given to individuals in industry, teams from industry, or entire companies who have accomplished significant energy savings, improved the sustainability of chemical processes, or developed innovative technologies for energy generation or delivery that hold significant promise of favorable economic or environmental impact.

F&P Distinguished Service Award


A plaque and $500

DeadlineNovember 13, 2024
AdministratorsFuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Annual Awards Dinner at the AIChE Spring National Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Send nominations to the Fuels & Petrochemicals Division Past Chair; E-mail:

Nomination Form

Recognizes an individual's outstanding service to the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division. The candidate must have participated extensively in a variety of division activities demonstrating leadership, and have served the division a minimum of five years. The candidate must be a member of the...

Norton H. Walton/Russell L. Miller Award in Safety/Loss Prevention


A commemorative plaque and $1000.

DeadlineOctober 30, 2024
AdministratorsProcess Safety Division (PSD)
PresentationThe award is presented at the Safety and Health Division Dinner (during the AIChE Spring Meeting) by the Division Chair and Awards Chair.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. An evaluation of the nominee’s achievements and contributions to the enhancement of loss prevention, safety and health
  2. Current membership in AIChE

The deadline for nomination is Monday October 30, 2024. Nomination forms/packages should be sent electronically to:

John Herber

S&H Division Norton H. Walton / Russell L Miller Award Nominations

CCPS Staff Consultant


651-303-0767 (C) 

Recognizes an individual's outstanding achievements in and contributions to chemical engineering in the areas of loss prevention, safety, and health.

Management Award

  • A plaque
  • US$1,000 honorarium
  • Up to US$1,000 for receipt supported expense reimbursement to attend the Annual Meeting (may include coach-class airfare, hotel, and conference registration fee)
  • Management Division dinner tickets for the award recipient and a guest
DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
AdministratorsManagement Division (MGMT)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Submit applications or ask questions by writing to


Nomination Form

SponsorsDuPont de Nemours, Inc.

This award recognizes an outstanding individual who has made a substantial contribution to the management and leadership of engineers involved in the field of chemical engineering. Nominees should be prepared to give a presentation on an important management topic of their choice at the next Annual Meeting if selected.

Women in Chemical Engineering (WIC) Mentorship Excellence Award



DeadlineSeptember 1, 2024
AdministratorsWomen in Chemical Engineering (WIC)
PresentationAwardees will be recognized at the next Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions
  • Cover letter

  • AIChE membership ID # of the nominee

  • Industry and National Labs Mentorship Excellence Award will require two reference letters from former colleagues whom you have mentored

  • Academic Mentorship Excellence Award for Faculty will require two reference letters from former graduate students or postdoctoral scholars or junior faculty whom you have mentored

  • Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scholar Mentorship Excellence Award will require two reference letters from former undergraduate or graduate students whom you have mentored

The Mentorship Excellence Award winner will be recognized at the WIC Breakfast during the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting.

Apply Now

Questions? Please contact Anuja Tripathi.

The Women’s Initiatives Committee recognizes women who have contributed to the development of the next generation of chemical engineers through outstanding mentoring.

Mentorship Excellence Award: WIC will provide individuals $500. There are three award categories in 2024...

CoMSEF Graduate Student Award


The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium. Multiple awards are typically presented annually.

AdministratorsComputational Molecular Science & Engineering Forum (CoMSEF)
PresentationAwardees are announced at the CoMSEF Business Meeting at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination Process

Nominations should consist of a nominating letter from the student’s dissertation advisor and the curriculum vitae of the nominee. These should be sent by the advisor via e-mail in pdf format to the CoMSEF Vice-Chair ( by October 1 each year.

Nominees must present a poster within the CoMSEF Poster session at the AIChE Annual Meeting. The deadline for submission of poster abstracts coincides with the PTP submission deadline for the annual meeting.

Selection Process

A committee composed of CoMSEF officers evaluates nominees. Selection criteria include the student’s CV, the nomination letter from the advisor, the quality of the poster, and the student’s ability to describe their research.


Please contact the Chair ( for further information and questions.

Nomination Form


The Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) annual Graduate Student Award recognizes significant contributions to research in computational molecular science and engineering by graduate students.


The nominee must be a graduate...

Women in Chemical Engineering (WIC) Travel Award


WIC supports travel for female graduate students, post-doctoral associates, early career individuals, and young professionals. Award winners will receive complimentary registration to the 2024 AIChE Annual Meeting, 1 year of complimentary AIChE membership, and $800 towards travel expenses to San Diego, CA (e.g., hotel, airfare, meals, and incidentals).

Travel award winners are selected based on the merit of application materials and the potential impact of the award (e.g., applicants applying for positions at the time of the meeting will be prioritized). We highly encourage applications from underrepresented groups. To further promote diversity of the travel award winners, we will only award one applicant per research group. Therefore, we recommend each group only submit one nomination.

Travel award winners will be notified ahead of the early conference registration deadline. The conference attendees will be required to present a poster highlighting their work at the WIC breakfast and keynote.

Note: You cannot edit your submission after completion of this form. Please have all materials prepared before submitting.

DeadlineAugust 1, 2024
AdministratorsWomen in Chemical Engineering (WIC)
PresentationTravel award winners will be recognized at the WIC Breakfast.
Nomination Instructions

Please send all application materials in electronic format using the online application below. Materials must include:

  • Brief cover letter
  • Applicant's CV
  • AIChE membership - please provide your membership ID #
  • A copy of an abstract submitted to the Annual Meeting
  • A letter of reference from the research supervisor


Apply Here

Questions? Please contact Ida(Xue) Chen.

WIC supports travel for female graduate students, post-doctoral associates, early career individuals, and young professionals.

As of September 2024, all 2024 award recipients have been notified via email - please consult this page in mid-2025 for updates on the 2025 call for...

Lawrence B. Evans Award in Chemical Engineering Practice


$3,000, plus a $500 travel allowance; a plaque.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
PresentationPresented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
SponsorsComputer Aids for Chemical Engineering Education (CACHE) Corporation

This award recognizes an individual for substantial lifetime achievement in one or more aspects of industrial chemical engineering practice, including management, leadership, research, publications, technology development, patents, engineering and construction, process operations and supply-...
