March 2012 | AIChE

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March 2012

Outstanding Student Chapter Award


A plaque for the Chapter, and certificates for the Advisor(s) and President(s).

DeadlineJuly 1, 2024
PresentationThe award will be presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  • Outstanding participation by member students and faculty
  • Number of meetings and events
  • Variety of activities, including career guidance, community outreach, departmental activities, social events, plant trips, sporting events
  • Participation in local, regional and global AIChE programs

Nominations may be made by any AIChE member or student member. Nominations by an entire student chapter acting as a group are encouraged.

All nominations must be submitted using one of the two the online nomination forms below (you must use the form that is appropriate for your chapter's location). IMPORTANT NOTE: Before submitting your application, it stongly recommended that you use the corresponding worksheet (also included below) to help prepare your nomination before you submit online, since the you cannot enter information into the online form and save it before submitting.


For Student Chapters in U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico:

2023-2024 Worksheet to Download and Prepare Answers

Online Nomination Form 

For All Other Student Chapters: 

2023-2024 Worksheet to Download and Prepare Answers

Online Nomination Form

If you have questions about this award program please email

Presented annually to those Student Chapters that show an exceptional level of participation, enthusiasm, program quality, professionalism, and involvement in the university and community.

Donald F. Othmer Second Year Student Academic Excellence Award

  • Free Registration to the upcoming Annual Student Conference (Valued at $150)
  • Certificate of Recognition

DeadlineJuly 1, 2024
Presentation The award is presented each year at AIChE's Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Rules, Requirements and Selection Criteria 

To be eligible for this prize, the nominee must be an active AIChE undergraduate student member at the time of the nomination. The nominee’s student chapter also MUST file an Annual Report with AIChE by July 1. Award nominations may be submitted in advance of the report, with the expectation that the chapter will file a report by the reporting deadline. 

Go to Nomination Form

Note: It is recommended that you prepare your answers and have any supporting documents ready in advance of completing the nomination form (answers and supporting documents cannot be saved within the application before submission). Incomplete or unqualified nomination forms will not be accepted.

SponsorsScaleUp Sponsors

The Sophomore Academic Excellence Award is presented to the one AIChE student member in each student chapter who has attained the highest scholastic grade-point average during his/her first and second years of undergraduate education, on recommendation of the Student Chapter Advisor.

NSEF Young Investigator Award


A plaque and an opportunity to speak at AIChE's Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 16, 2025
AdministratorsNanoscale Science & Engineering Forum (NSEF)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Please submit all nominations and applications electronically to Reg Rogers at        

  • Please describe the candidate’s contributions to research, commercialization, and/or service in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • Please clearly indicate how these contributions qualify as advances in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • For applicants outside of a research setting, applicants may choose, in place of the selected bibliography, to summarize up to four significant achievements, such as new materials or processes developed, improvements to current products and methods, start-up companies or licenses granted based on inventions, or contributions to public policy, education, and regulation. Please provide accompanying patent information if any. Summaries should not exceed 5 pages.

Nomination Packet

This award recognizes outstanding scholarship, commercialization, education, or service in nanoscience and nanotechnology by engineers or scientists in the early stages of their professional careers (within 10 years of completion of highest degree).

Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Award


A plaque and an opportunity to speak at AIChE's Annual Meeting.

Award Administrator(s):

Nanoscale Science & Engineering Forum (NSEF)

DeadlineMay 16, 2025
AdministratorsNanoscale Science & Engineering Forum (NSEF)
Presentation The award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Please submit all nominations and applications electronically via email to Reg Rogers at        

  • Please describe the candidate’s contributions to research, commercialization, and/or service in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • Please clearly indicate how these contributions qualify as advances in the fields of nanoscience or nanotechnology.
  • For applicants outside of a research setting, applicants may choose, in place of the selected bibliography, to summarize up to four significant achievements, such as new materials or processes developed, improvements to current products and methods, start-up companies or licenses granted based on inventions, or contributions to public policy, education, and regulation. Please provide accompanying patent information if any. Summaries should not exceed 5 pages.

Nomination Form

Recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of nanoscale science and engineering in the field of Chemical Engineering through scholarship, education or service.

Industry Leadership Award


A plaque.

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
PresentationPresented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection of the winner will be based on three key criteria:

  • Impact of the contribution – has it made a difference in the market place and global community?
  • Magnitude of the challenges that were overcome – what was the degree of difficulty?
  • Innovation and technical creativity – are the results achieved unique?

This award recognizes individuals or teams working in the industries served by chemical engineers, for leadership and accomplishment in activities including: management; sales and marketing; public, community, and industrial relations; commercial and business development, training, or public...

Excellence in Process Development Research Award


A plaque and $1,000, plus two complimentary tickets to the Process Development Division Awards Dinner held at the AIChE Annual Meeting.

DeadlineMay 15, 2025
AdministratorsProcess Development Division (PDD)
PresentationThe awardee is invited to deliver an address at the Process Development Division Dinner at the AIChE Annual Meeting
Nomination Instructions

The nomination will remain active for three years. Submit the nomination package, consisting of a completed nomination form and other relevant supporting documentation, by a combination of hard copy and electronic mail. Send signed original documents and e-mail copies of all documents to the division awards committee chair.

Nomination Form

Process Development Division Awards Committee Chair:

Dr. Jay F. Miller

424 Hallman Ct.

Downingtown, PA 19335

(610) 350-9128
SponsorsPfizer Inc

Recognizes individuals who have made significant technical contributions to the advancement of process development within research, teaching, or regulatory activities.

Industrial Progress Award


A plaque

DeadlineFebruary 15, 2025
PresentationThis award debuted in 2012.
Nomination Instructions

Selection of the winner of the award will be based on three key criteria:

  • Impact of the contributions – have the contributions made a difference in the market place and global community?
  • Magnitude of the challenges that were overcome – what was the degree of difficulty?
  • Innovation and technical creativity – what is the intellectual content?

This award recognizes significant contributions by individuals -- working in industries served by chemical engineers -- who have received their highest academic degree within 17 calendar years of the year in which the award is given. (For the 2025 award cycle, the candidate must have...

CoMSEF Impact Award


The award consists of a plaque and honorarium.

AdministratorsComputational Molecular Science & Engineering Forum (CoMSEF)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting and the awardee is expected to give an invited talk within the CoMSEF Plenary session.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination Process

A nomination package consisting of the nominee’s CV, a nomination letter and two supporting letters should be sent as a single file in pdf format to the CoMSEF Chair ( by May 1 each year. The nomination should provide a clear statement as to the impact of the nominees work on the field and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word ‘For’. Self-nominations are discouraged. Renomination of candidates is encouraged. It is recommended, but not required, that the contents of the nomination package be updated each year; while supporting letters may be re-used the nomination form must have current dates.

Selection Process

The award recipient will be chosen based on the overall strength of the research accomplishments of the candidates by an ad hoc selection committee consisting of the current CoMSEF Chair, the CoMSEF Vice-Chair and two representatives drawn from related organizations (e.g., Area 1a Programming Committee, CACHE Trustees). A decision regarding the award recipient is expected to be made by July 1.


Please contact the Chair ( for further information and questions.

Nomination Form

The Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum (CoMSEF) Impact Award recognizes outstanding research in computational molecular science and engineering, encompassing both methods and applications.

NAMF Forum Award


 Commemorative plaque and $2,000 monetary prize

DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
AdministratorsNorth American Mixing Forum (NAMF)
PresentationAn award lecture and a dinner ceremony during the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Administrators: North American Mixing Forum’s Award for Excellence Committee

Presentation: An award lecture and dinner ceremony during the AIChE Annual Meeting

Please email nominations to Aaron Strand (, Award for Excellence Committee Chair

Sponsor: SPX FLOW Lightnin

Award for Excellence and Sustained Contributions to Mixing Research and Practice.

Sustainable Engineering Forum Research Award


The Awardee will receive $1,000 and a plaque.  

DeadlineJune 1, 2024
AdministratorsSustainable Engineering Forum (SEF)
Presentation The Award will be presented at the Sustainable Engineering Forum luncheon during the AIChE Annual National Meeting. The Forum may offer to present the award at a SEF plenary session
Nomination Instructions

The applicant’s achievements will be based on both publications and reputation substantiated by at least two (2) written recommendations. Emphasis should be placed on accomplishments and advances made within the last five years, although the award can also be made to someone who has had an outstanding career. The Awardee need not necessarily be a chemical engineer. The applicant must be a member of AIChE and Sustainable Engineering Forum at the time of application.

Nominations should be submitted to:

SEF Awards Committee Chair

Professor Yinlun Huang

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.


Phone: 313-577-3771

Nomination Form

Award is presented annually for basic or applied research results relative to the sustainability of products, processes, or the environment. The award is to recognize one who has made significant technical contributions to research and development activities.
