I am sure that anybody who has done any kind of research will have read at least one journal article. These journal articles, published to inform readers of new advances in their field, are often as dry as the Sahara Desert and are as hard to digest at a leather shoe. When you are trying to publish any significant paper, it only gets worse.
Reading through dozens and dozens of articles, tracing references, writing formulas, the list goes on and on and on and on..... For that reason, it is often critical to find a small outlet of humor, so that you do not drive yourself up a wall and to a place that will ruin your desire to read forever.
While facing just these issues, I found this little article to be a great distraction from any work. It is worth reading for researchers and the professional engineer alike. So please, enjoy and pass this link along to anybody who needs a break from the real world!
Link to researcher's humor here.