Introduction to Drug Delivery Technology
Drugs can be administered by many routes, yet all emerging drug-delivery technologies aim to improve drug efficacy, minimize side effects, and reduce the burden of care for patients and physicians. -
Engineering Biodegradable Nanoparticles for Drug and Gene Delivery
Engineered nanoparticles can deliver therapeutic agents to specifically targeted cells and then release those agents in a precisely controlled manner. Improved pharmacokinetic properties, reduced toxicity, and the ability to cross biological barriers are some of the key benefits of this approach. -
The Blood-Brain Barrier and Drug Delivery
To maintain favorable conditions in the brain, the blood-brain barrier limits mass transfer across brain tissue. However, it also restricts the systemic delivery of compounds to treat neurological disorders. Several treatment alternatives to bypass the BBB and infuse pharmaceuticals at high concentrations are in development. -
Bioactive Devices: Uniting Form with Function
Bioactive implants that combine a medical device with one or more biologic therapeutic agents show promise for the targeted treatment of complex medical conditions.
BACK TO BASICS: Coriolis: The Direct Approach to Mass Flow Measurement
Coriolis meters eliminate the need to measure and correct for pressure, temperature, and density fluctuations to determine mass flowrate. Although their capital costs may be higher, they typically have a lower overall cost of ownership than other types of meters.
SAFETY: Access Hazards with Process Flow Failure Modes Analysis
Process flow failure modes (PFFM) analysis is an intuitive, process-flow-directed way to identify potentially hazardous scenarios. Learn how to apply this technique to your process hazard reviews.
CAREER CATALYST (click here to read this article now): Licensure: Toward Technical Competence and Ethical Professionalism
Licensure as a professional engineer is an investment in your future, and can be a beneficial -- and even necessary -- engineering credential.
NEWS: Color-Shifting Fibers Take their Lead from Nature ... Nanocapsules Target Cancer Cells without Harming Healthy Ones ... Graphene Straightens Out with Some Help from Copper ... Silicon Made Easy for Batteries ... New Material Stops Bacteria in their Tracks ... Sunlight Wrings Out Carbon Sponge ... Researchers Identify the Achilles' Heel of Bacterial Biofuels
PLUS: What's New ... Product Digest: Pumps ... Software ... Process Safety Beacon: Signs and Labels ... Process Automation Corner: Biotech Makes Inroads into Industrial Chemicals ... YPOV: Your Career as a Volunteer ... Institute News: Glotzer Will Deliver 2013 Danckwerts Lecture at European Chemical Engineering Congress ... AIChE Members are Elected to the National Academy of Engineering ... Calendars
The March 2013 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at http://www.aiche.org/cep.