Intensified Distillation Processes | AIChE

Intensified Distillation Processes


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Sale ends March 15th.

This course is intended to provide an overview of the current and future states of process intensification in distillation processes, acknowledging that the field of distillation technology is still full of breakthrough opportunities. The instructor will move beyond covering conventional distillation processes. The course provides an overview of recent developments in distillation based on process intensification principles: heat pump assisted distillation, heat-integrated distillation columns, membrane distillation, high-gravity distillation, cyclic distillation, dividing-wall columns, and reactive distillation. 

Attendees will discover the potential of new distillation concepts to significantly reduce the capital and operating costs at industrial scale in the context of moving toward a more energy efficient and sustainable chemical process industry.

Using illustrative examples and case studies, the course will allow attendees to: 

  • Understand the working principles of intensified distillations
  • Identify the advantages and drawbacks of intensified distillations
  • Make an educated selection of appropriate intensified distillation technologies
  • Evaluate intensified distillations for a particular separation
  • Appraise process alternatives using techno-economic criteria
  • Create a preliminary design for a chosen intensified distillation
  • Provide realistic examples of applications for each IDP presented


Upper level undergraduate and graduate students, plant and project managers, R&D engineers, technology managers

Module 1: Intensified Distillation Processes

Module 2: Reactive Distillation

Module 3: Dividing-wall Column

Module 4: Cyclic Distillation

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    RAPID - RAPID Manufacturing Institute for Process Intensification
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    4.5 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York