RAPID's Basic Process Technology for Operators | AIChE

RAPID's Basic Process Technology for Operators


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Sale ends March 15th.

This online course introduces new petrochemical employees to some of the basic process technologies that they will encounter throughout their career.  Many learners entering the Chemical Process Industries lack training and exposure to the technology and concepts needed to be a long-term successful process technician.  The courses introduce high level concepts to both new employees just starting their careers, and job seekers looking to begin a career in the chemical process industries. 

The course is divided into several modules such as basic computer and math skills, temperature, pressure, industrial electricity, physics, heat transfer, gases and the gas laws, chemistry and liquid flow.

Upon completion of the course, learners will better understand the range of technologies they are likely to encounter on an almost daily basis. The courses present introductory material and expose learners to concepts they will need to better understand as their career progresses. 

    In this course, you will learn how to:

    • Understand that using Windows-based computer systems is a basic skill all technicians must master
    • Explain the concept of absolute temperature, and different temperature scales
    • Define the concept of absolute, gauge, differential, and vacuum pressure, as well as different pressure units
    • State the differences between different electrical systems such as 24 Volt control circuits, 120 Volt Office equipment, and 480+ Volt systems
    • Explain the importance of various physical properties such as density
    • Have an awareness of heat transfer principles and the operation of common heat exchangers
    • Define pressure drop and compressibility of gas flow
    • State basic industrial chemical principles and the mass balance
    • Describe some of the principles of liquid flow in pipes

    New Employees and Job Seekers 

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    • Course ID:
    • Source:
      RAPID - RAPID Manufacturing Institute for Process Intensification
    • Language:
    • Skill Level:
    • Duration:
    • CEUs:
    • PDHs:
    • Accrediting Agencies: