Engineering Ethics: Challenges for Innovation and Society | AIChE

Engineering Ethics: Challenges for Innovation and Society

Engineering Ethics: Challenges for Innovation and Society

Presented by Sujata K. Bhatia

How do engineering innovations change the nature of humanity and life on Earth? How can engineers prepare themselves ethically to confront technological issues as diverse as gene editing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, automation, cybersecurity, solar energy, carbon sequestration, clean water, and nuclear terror? Engineers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and designers have the skills to bring their visions to fruition. The engineer is both an arrowsmith and an archer, shaping the future direction of society. As engineers, we cannot confuse technical advancement with ethical progress. The key question for the engineer is: What kind of society am I creating?

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This Live Event was conducted on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 9:00pm EDT. Registration for this event is now closed.
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    1 hour
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