Donald K. Lorenzo | AIChE

Donald K. Lorenzo

Citation name

Lorenzo, D. K.


ABS Consulting





Don Lorenzo has more than 35 years of experience in the chemical, petroleum, and nuclear industries. He is a Senior Technical Director of ABSG Consulting Inc. and has taught process hazard analysis, process safety management, and reliability analysis techniques to thousands of engineers. He is coauthor of several widely referenced books, including Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, Second Edition with Worked Examples (referenced in 1910.119), A Manager’s Guide to Reducing Human Error; A Manager’s Guide to Quantitative Risk Assessment, Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety, Human Factors Methods for Improving Performance in the Process Industries, and Essential Practices for Conduct of Operations and Operational Discipline.

Associated proceedings 

2017 Spring Meeting and 13th Global Congress on Process Safety
2017 Middle East Process Safety Conference