Books: September 2015 | AIChE

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Books: September 2015

Beyond Engagement: A Brain-Based Approach That Blends The Engagement Managers Want with the Energy Employees Need

Brady G. Wilson, BPS Books, Toronto, ON, Canada, $18.99, 190 pages, June 2015, ISBN: 978-1-77236-017-2


Statistics reveal that one in three workers admits to falling asleep on the job — which suggests that engagement is a critical issue for employees and employers. However, efforts by companies to increase employee engagement often lead to more disengagement and reduce productivity. The author of this book argues that to fix this paradox, employers must focus on managing energy, not engagement. Lack of energy drives employees to resort to quick fixes, workarounds, and reactive firefighting, which ingrain bad habits that can be difficult to reverse.

The book presents ten leadership principles that employers can apply to manage energy instead of engagement. Each chapter begins with a summary of the brain science behind the leadership concept, then discusses how the concept will show up at work and why it matters. At the end of each chapter,...

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