Product Digest: September 2015 | AIChE

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Product Digest: September 2015

This month's topic is pumps.

Dosing Pumps Offer Smooth Operation


These dosing pumps are suitable for intermittent or continuous dosing in high-pressure, low-flow applications. They are a cost-effective and reliable alternative to more-costly gear pumps, and offer smooth pumping action with no pulsation and very low shear. Low flows can be transferred at high pressures, and with no valve components, blockages are eliminated. Stators are available in a variety of materials to suit different applications, and Hastelloy internal components are available for severe chemical environments. Maintenance can be performed without special skills, which helps to maximize uptime. The product range includes four models that meet performance requirements from 2 L/hr and 1,044 psi to 1,250 L/hr and 174 psi.

Moyno, Inc.

Piston Pumps Outperform More-Expensive Units


The LS Class single-headed, positive-displacement piston pumps boast low pulsation and high accuracy, making them suitable for high-pressure applications?. A micro-stepping motor and single-piston pump mechanism contribute to the high-performance yet low-cost design. Models are available to handle 5 mL/min, 10 mL/min, and 40 mL/min throughput, and pressures up to 6,000 psi. Standard features include automatic pressure compensation, pressure monitoring with a transducer, pulse dampening, and an integrated prime-purge valve, among other elements. Jacketed heads are available for temperature-controlled processes.

Scientific Systems, Inc.

Roots Pumps Are Easy to Clean


The UNOZAWA TRV 410 dry-running, multistage Roots pumps are suitable for chemical and flameproof applications, including vacuum distillation, drying, degassing, crystallization, evaporation, solvent recovery, and polymer processing. They can be used as single pumps or in combination with mechanical boosters to increase pumping speed and vacuum. Top-down compression, i.e., the pump inlet is on top of the outlet, ensures excellent liquid handling. Large internal tolerances enable lower internal gas temperatures with minimum gas condensation. Each of the discrete pumping stages can be steam-cleaned in situ. Inherent to the Roots design is low-noise operation, despite the unit’s capability for high-speed operation.


Sample Pump Aids Monitoring of Remote Areas


The SM100 sampling pump draws combustible or toxic gases from monitored areas at rates of 0.05 to 1 L/min and feeds them to as many as three gas detectors, allowing multiple gases to be monitored via a single line. The pump enables easy and cost-effective measurement of potentially hazardous gases in areas that are inaccessible or too cold, hot, or wet for direct sensor monitoring. A low-flow indicator informs the user of insufficient flow for gas detection, and a trouble relay provides a local indication of the low-flow condition. The rugged Type 316 stainless steel construction is suitable for harsh industrial environments, such as ducts carrying combustible or toxic gases, wet wells, sewage dryers, printing drying ovens, and storage tanks.

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